备考攻略 复习资料

自考英语二重点总结 高频考点汇总

袁宇琦 2023-09-23 16:18:09


自考英语二重点总结 高频考点汇总









1.are more involved in campus life 更加融入校园生活2. live in a dormitory at college 住在大学宿舍3. have an unhappy dormitory life 有个不开心的宿舍生活4. enjoy a wide range of campus services 享受到很多的宿舍服务5. are not available to those who live offcampus 不提供给那些不住宿舍的人6. have no such support system 没有这样的支持系统7. offer running programs 提供跑步活动8. give out personal information 把你的个人信息告诉别人9. always make it clear where the information comes from 要弄清楚这些信息出自于哪里10. grow mentally and spiritually 从心理上和精神上得到成长11. set practical goals and take care of their bodies 设定具体的目标, 照顾好自己的身体12. offer competition 带来竞争13. regular students 普通的学生14. have adult obligations 有成年人应尽的义务15. have a summer research project 有一个夏季研究项目16. be applied to and was admitted to New York Medical College 申请纽约医学院, 并且考入了该学 院17. make a living 谋生18. pool their money 把钱凑到一起19. extra purchases 买额外的东西20. lost weight 减肥21. focus on their weight 关心他们的体重22. talk to kids about eating behaviors 和孩子谈论饮食举止23. unhealthy eating behaviors 不健康的饮食习惯24. exercise your brain 锻炼你的大脑25. get the most exercise for your brain 对大脑最好的锻炼26. challenge your brain 挑战你的头脑27. stay more focused in school 在学校注意力更集中28. exercise helps you to think more clearly 锻炼能使你头脑更清楚29. is probably controlled by the brain 可能是被大脑控制30. control the sleep mechanism without damaging our health 在不伤害健康的前提下控制睡眠机制31. the use of humor in a speech 在演讲中诙谐的使用32. the jokes and humorous stories 笑话和幽默的故事33. make peace with the things and people around you 和你周围的人和事和平共处34. develope a good relationship with my passengers 有一个良好的关系35. receive very good advice from them 收到了他们非常好的建议36. alter your direction and move on 改变方向, 继续前行37. the process of facing and solving problems 面对困难并解决它38. through the pain of confronting and resolving that we learn 经历了面对难题并解决他们的痛苦, 我们才学到了很多39. pose an endless series of problems 给我们带来了无尽的问题40. improve your mental health 精神更健康41. mental activities 智力活动42. require discipline and concentration 要求自律和专心43. both diet and health care 饮食和卫生保健44. bring tears to the eyes and move us deeply 让我们热泪盈眶, 深深地感动我们45. try smiling instead of frowning 尝试微笑而不是皱眉46. stop the tears and walked outside 不让眼泪掉下来, 走到外面47. gradually got interested in medicine 逐渐对医疗比较感兴趣48. make traveling more comfortable and medical treatment more effective 使旅行变得更加舒适,使 医疗变得更为有效49. lead a comfortable life 过着舒适的生活50. be passive and easily influenced by others 消极并且极易被别人影响51. express a sense of regret 觉得有些遗憾52. strengthen your heart, lungs and muscles 强壮你的心肺和肌肉53. ask the supervisor 询问主管54. introduce you around a bit 向周围人介绍一下你55. kick your shyness away and introduce yourself 克服害羞, 然后介绍自己56. be better accepted by the audience 容易被观众接受57. circumstances beyond our control 不可控的因素58. the fulfillment of the contract 合同履行59. contact local authorities 联系当地政局60. adopt favorable social policies 采取有利的社会政策61. create one password 编一个密码62. keep a password secret 密码是个秘密63. use passwords without due caution 许多人使用密码时缺少应有的谨慎64. quote you in a report 在报告中引用你的话65. divide your play list into different small lists 将你的歌单分成不同的小列表66. tend to listen to music selectively 倾向于有选择性地听音乐67. just listen to a play list and allow a program to randomly select the songs we are going to listen to 听歌的时候通常会让软件任意播放乐单里的歌曲68. enjoy listening to classical music 喜欢听古典音乐69. reduce stress, make depression more bearable and help you relax 减轻压力, 增强抗抑郁的能力,帮助你放松70. violence occurs among wealthy families as well 暴力也发生在富裕家庭中71. The incidence of violence is highest among urban families. 在城市家庭中暴力的发生率最高。72. experience severe domestic violence 经历严重的家庭暴力73. are seriously beaten by their husbands 被丈夫严重殴打74. severely attack each other 严重的互相攻击彼此75. exist regardless of age, race and social status 不受年龄、种族和社会地位的限制而存在76. arrange our marriage 安排我们的婚姻77. arrange a marriage interview 安排一场相亲78. marriage advisers assistance 婚姻顾问79. shop assistant 店员80. the chief engineer 首席工程师81. go through the channels 浏览频道82. pay for the wedding ceremony and for setting up house afterwards 支付婚礼的费用, 以及为日后 布置房子而准备的83. the high rate of unemployment 高失业率84. drive wages down further 进一步的把工资拉低85. the jobs available and depressed wages 空闲的职位和压低了的工资86. not be as active as people who work during the daytime 没有那些白天工作的人活跃87. make active contacts with others 主动和别人联系沟通88. regularly come to the building site 定期地来建筑工地

2 生物环境类

1.pollution and other activities 污染和其他行为2. pour waste into rivers, lakes and oceans 将垃圾倒到河流、湖泊和海洋里3. waste from chicken or pigs 鸡或猪的排泄物4. plants and other living things 植物和其他生物5. the countryside with cows and crops 有奶牛和农作物的乡下6. cannot survive 不能存活下来7. carbon dioxide 二氧化碳8. plow fields to grow crops 开垦土地去种植农作物9. the seeds grow into new plants 这些种子生长为新的植物10. seedless fruit 无籽水果11. combine two varieties of a fruit to form a new variety 由这种水果的两个不同品种结合而形成的 一种新品种12. Fruit has a purpose quite apart from our needs. 除了满足我们的需要, 水果还有一个别的用途。13. his original food 他自己独创的食物14. biological clock 生物钟15. biological rhythms 生物节律16. controls biological rhythms 控制生物节律17. indoor farming 室内农业18. grow crops indoors 在室内种植农作物19. vertical farming 垂直农场20. the farms of the future could be built in tall buildings in some large cities 未来的农场可能会被建 在大城市的高楼里21. Traditional farming takes up a lot of land. 传统农业占很多土地。22. manufacturing technologies 生产技术23. production jobs 生产工作24. affect the environment 影响着环境25. weather and lighting needs 气候和光线要求

3. 经济科技类

1.the baby boom 婴儿潮2. the explosive growth 爆炸式增长3. financial aid, tutoring centers or mentoring programs 金融援助、辅导中心或辅导项目4. block an incoming call 阻止手机来电5. whether the mobile phone is within reach 手机是否伸手可及6. send short text messages and surf the Internet and doing word games at the same time 在同一时 间内既发短信、上网又做文字游戏的7. the most important invention 最重要的发明8. develop an "intelligent" mobile phone 开发一款智能手机9. capable of blocking incoming calls depending on the owner's mood 根据主人的心情来阻断手机 来电10. develop body temperature and electrical skin monitors 正在开发体温和电子皮肤的监测器11. help the device understand the emotional state of its user 帮助这个设备了解其用户的情绪状态12. reach the taxi 到出租车跟前13. look for alternatives 寻找可替代的东西14. have little exposure to technologies 几乎没有接触过这方面的技术15. an increasing part of college communication and courses 这些在大学交流和课程中越来越多

